Wednesday, April 26, 2023

Littles BUNdle


        Littles BUNdle            This is our treat and forage mix created with little buns in mind. Young rabbits don't really have treats that are fully designed for them. This treat has alfalfa pellets to help them grow and herbs that are safe for them to enjoy! This treat is also great for underweight rabbits. Do note if giving to your healthy 6+ month old rabbit that it does have alfalfa. 

Little Hoppers 
Raspberry Leaf, Plantain Leaf and Alfafa Pellets

Little Munchers
Raspberry Leaf, Plantain Leaf

Herbs we use and their health benefits
  • Plantain leaf:  Helps with digestion, soothes urinary tract infections and irritations, is antimicrobial, antispasmodic, helps the healing of cuts, respiratory expectorant, and fevers, and is good for gastric inflammations.
  • Raspberry Leaf: Promotes milk production, good for labor, diarrhea, digestive upsets, infertility, and fever reducer. Safe introductory green for young kits and bunnies.

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