Wednesday, April 3, 2024

Toys and Enrichment


Some of our bun favorite toys, castles, hides, beds and enrichment!

Having toys and enrichment is essential for buns. They need toys to help maintain their teeth (that never stop growing), for mental stimulations and to expel energy. 

A lot of pet store or the online pet market advertise and create toys that generally are not safe. Things such as artificial coloring, glue, nuts and dairy. Brands to be careful with are Vitakraft, Kaytee, Frisco, Full Cheeks, Ware, and Exotic Nutrition are just a few examples. Always check what materials are used, you will be surprised by what you will see. Some companies use sawdust, honey, corn, rice and other un-edible ingredients. We always have to be detectives to protect our fur babies. 

Great places to find cardboard houses and cat tunnels are Target, Lidl, Aldi's, Marshals, Home Goods, and TJ Max. Five Below has lots of cat beds, little hut houses, and cat tunnels. 

We created a list with links of some of our favorites and bun favorite products. To help take out the detective work for you. Our shop always has a few toys made of natural materials. Items below are all things that the BUNdles bun-employees have tried and absolutely love!

**We will update this list when we find new favorite items**

MoonligtBunnyBoutiq This etsy shop has wonderful seagrass toys, and lots of fun and safe toys. Here are links to items that the bun-employees have tried.

Seagrass Tunnel : this also is great to fill with hay and forage.

Seagrass Bowls : buns love flipping and tossing around this edible bowl. 

LittlePawsPetToys: This small animal etsy shop has so many great items that are bun safe and made with natural materials. The links below are some bun favorites!

Woven Seagrass Tunnel: safe to chew and buns to go through. 

Rattan Bunny Tent: buns love chewing on this, zooming through it and napping in this tent. 

Seagrass Heart: this comes in a pack of 3!

Truly Pawesome Pet Shop

Castle: this is great for small to medium size buns. BUNdles bonded pairs Reese and Ryleigh, and Rudy and Roxie love snuggling up together underneath and hopping on top to explore their kingdom. Trouble enjoys snacking on hay and eating his nightly cilantro in his castle. The castle is very sturdy and easy to assemble. 

Hammock: this hammock is a perfect lounge. Easy to assemble and disassemble for cleaning. This hammock is supportive, provides cushion and very durable, yet stable. The elevations allows air to breath through. The canvas is strong and not easy for buns to chew through. (Of course is a bun is determined they may , but not easily)

Amazon Favorites:

Orthopedic Bed : special needs bun Phoenix loves this bed! It provides a comfortable spot for her to lounge and is at a safe level for her to climb. Due to her balance she can't have anything too high or she gets very wobbly. The cover is washable, but the material isn't waterproof. So I use pee pads between the bed mat and the cover to prevent urine staining. 

Multi-Purpose House: buns can chew, nap inside, and jump on top.

Cardboard Hang-out: what we love about this is that if your bun is an incredible chewer, the stability is incredible. It has wooden sides with plastic screws. 

Padded Lounge: strong, sturdy and cozy. Reese and Ryleigh love to lounge together on the top. The instructions say the cardboard scratcher is for the top level but for monitoring reasons, I reversed it. I use my Bissell Green Machine to keep the padding clean. 

Apple Sticks: great for teeth and safe to eat. If you notice the sticks getting points, we suggest to throw them away to prevent choking and poking themselves. 

Hay Balls: This 6 pack provides lots of enrichment. Buns love to chew, roll around and toss.

Scuffle Mat: great for foraging. Can add pellets and forage mixes and is a wonderful enrichment activities.

Stacking Cups: can add pellets, treats and forage and let your buns have fun! Buns will flip the cups to get to the goodies inside. 

Oxbow Hay Twist

Oxbow Hay Bungaloo

Chew Finds

Oxbow House: buns love adding custom windows and entrances. 

Oxbow Tunnel

Wednesday, June 28, 2023

The Boho Buns!


Check out The Boho Buns socials, links, and information about disabled buns. She has lots of great information!
The benefits of the herbs are listed below but wanted to share The Boho Buns story, and she inspired us.

    These three rainbow buns, and their incredible human showed people that just because a bun has special needs or a disability, they deserve to live life to the fullest. Not to give up on them. These buns may not of had the best start to life, but before crossing got to experience a life filled with love. 

    As a rescuer and a bun parent myself, I have also endured the hardships of rainbow bridge buns. Within 1 year I had lost 3 of my rabbits. I (Bunny_Girl87) related to The Boho Buns story. 

Pierre, Ophelia, and Nova's Story
Nova was rescued in 2020 from a Facebook ad from a breeder as he was returned after being in a previous home for 6 years. It was hard for him to find a new home as he was older, had eye issues, and was deaf. He was not neutered but fell in love with Luna the bun. He passed away on Valentine's Day 2021. His passing was believed to be due to not being neutered in combination with his previous terrible diet and his disabilities. His time in a wonderful home was short but filled with endless love. 

Pierre was found paralyzed in a pile of trash and brought to a rescue where he gained some more strength before being adopted. He was filled with love, and had so much love to give, he joined his fellow bun mates and bonded with 3 other buns. Pierre crossed the rainbow bridge on November 7th, 2022

Ophelia was found on a Craigslist ad in 2021. She was being neglected in a hutch in North Carolina. Ophelia had a splayed leg and was getting no extra care for it.  She was bonding into a  quad of buns. She developed a head tilt. Ophelia crossed the rainbow bridge on April 17th, 2023.

Bunny_Girl87 (Krystin's Story)
    Cassie was a gorgeous Rex bun abandoned outside her home when her family moved and hopped across the street. My friend was contacted and we went to get her. She had the longest nails Id ever seen, so long that when I picked her up, one completely broke off. Once trimmed it took her days to realize she can move without pain.   She had stasis so I rushed her to the vet. Once treated, I asked if it was possible if she had E.C. They sent me home with meds just in case. The next morning I found her slumped in her water bowl. She has lost the use of one side of her body. Rushed her immediately to the vet. She was crashing and the outcome wasn't looking good. I held her as she crossed the rainbow bridge. 
    A few months later I was working on a shelter case of 18 rabbits trapped in a hutch used to train hunting dogs. The first bun I met was Neo. A big two-toned chocolate American Sable. He gave me a kiss and well, I melted. I decided that he was family and adopted him. A week later I noticed something was really off. I drove him to the vet and was so close but it was too late. He crossed the bridge in my arms. 
    My bun Arya, Reese's first bun wife unexpectedly passed away. Arya was a sweet and silly Holland lop. She showed no signs that anything was wrong. I went out to dinner for 2 hours and came home, saw her "flopped". I though aww, but it wasn't. Reese was sitting next to her and she passed away. My stepsister saw her an hour before I got home and said she was zooming around.
    I got Reese a bun friend because he was becoming depressed. Did matter how much attention and love I gave, he missed her. I got him a lop friend and when introduced it was instant love. It took me almost 2 years to be able to foster again. 

We wanted to create treats that benefit disabled buns. A treat that is more than just yummy, but has lots of benefits for them as well. Of course, these treats and forage mix is great for any bun, but the disabled buns deserve something special too!

Health Benefits of the herbs and Flowers used in the treats and forage mixes
  •  Rosemary: treats arthritis, preventing heart disease, aids in digestive health, and even helping in the prevention of some tumorous cancers. 

  • Dandelion Leaf: promotes digestion and good respiratory health. They are also a natural body tonic that provides benefits to the entire body. Also, high mineral and vitamin contents help strengthen the immune system and prevent infections, reducing pain and inflammation in rabbits.
  • Basil: Has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties. This makes basil a mild pain reliever and can help prevent frequent infections in rabbits. It also helps in maintaining the health of your rabbit's fur and skin.
  • Chamomile: Good for pain relief, calming a nervous rabbit, microbial, fungal and antibiotic.
  • Marigold: Helps with bruising, slowly healing wounds, ulcers, skin diseases, digestion problems. Also great for skin health. Help strengthen immune system.

Saturday, May 27, 2023



Roxie is a beautiful Dutch bun with bright blue eyes. She was rescued from a home where there was violence and her life was in danger. This girl is resilient and so loving. Roxie inspired us to make a beautiful flower blend of forage and treats!

Roxie's Spring Mix is a floral blend of Marigolds, Roses, and Chamomile!
Roxie's Roses Treats have a blend of Marigolds, Roses, and Chamomile with Strawberry Leaf and timothy pellets.

Herbs and Flowers have many health benefits for your buns! Here are the benefits of the herbs and flowers used in Roxie's goodies!

  • Rose Petals: Rose petals can aid in preventing infections, and respiratory diseases and can help in calming a rabbit by reducing stress and anxiety. 
  • Marigold: Helps with bruising, slowly healing wounds, ulcers, skin diseases, and digestion problems. Also great for skin health.
  • Chamomile: Good for pain relief, calming a nervous rabbit, microbial, fungal, and antibiotic.
  • Strawberry Leaf: The whole plant is antiseptic and cooling. The Leaves are rich in iron and contain vitamin C and other antioxidants.

Tuesday, May 2, 2023

BUNdles of Flowers


Dried Flowers have so many health benefits for our buns. Also can be used in a variety of ways! 

  • Sprinkle over hay to encourage your bun to eat hay, or to forage through hay.
  • Enrichment by adding it inside a toy or hay holder.
  • On top of pellets or greens.
Here are the health benefits of the 5 Flowers we have available for individual sizes:

  • Rose Petals: Rose petals can aid in preventing infections, and respiratory diseases. Can help in calming a rabbit by reducing stress and anxiety.

  • Marigold: Helps with bruising, slowly healing wounds, ulcers, skin diseases, digestic problems, and digestion. Also great for skin health.

  • Chamomile: Good for pain relief, calming a nervous rabbit, microbial, fungal, and antibiotic. 

  • Yarrow:  Helps blood to clot, improves circulation, antispasmodic, diarrhea, gas, antimicrobial, and antibacterial.

  • Lavender: Helps with circulation, nervousness, stress, exhaustion, pain relieving, appetite stimulant, antimicrobial, antiseptic, antispasmodic, and gas relieving. *AVOID DURING PREGNANCY*

Monday, May 1, 2023

BUNdles of Herbs


Dried Herb have so many health benefits for our buns. Dried herbs can be used in a variety of ways! 

  • Sprinkle over hay to encourage your bun to eat hay, or to forage through hay.
  • Enrichment by adding it inside a toy or hay holder.
  • On top of pellets or greens.
Here are the health benefits of the 9 herbs we have available in our shop!

  • Peppermint Leaf: Helps with digestion, gas, bloating, decreases milk production, and mastitis. (AVOID DURING NURSING. DO NOT FEED TO YOUNG KITS

  • Echinacea: Immune system stimulant, great for digestion and broad spectrum antibiotic. Anti-inflammatory with antiviral properties.

  • Raspberry Leaf: Promotes milk production, good for labor, diarrhea, digestive upsets, infertility, fever reducer. Safe introductory green for young kits and bunnies.

  • Lemon Balm:  Health benefits include anti-bacterial, antiviral, bloating and gas, diarrhea,  and reducing stress.

  • Strawberry Leaf: The whole plant is antiseptic and cooling. The Leaves are rich in iron, contains vitamin C and other antioxidants

  • .Chickweed: Help with anti-inflammatory, molting and wound healing. Contains vitamin C and used to help skin diseases like mange, but also against pulmonary infection and arthritis pain.

  • Cilantro: contains antioxidants that can bind heavy and unwanted metal particles in the body. It has also been shown that cilantro has properties that can fight against Salmonella; thus, giving its partaker a healthier digestive system. The fiber that it contains will help in the elimination of waste of your rabbit as well. Another way in which cilantro helps in digestion is that it prevents urinary infection

  • Marjoram: Coughs, inflammation of the mouth, throat, digestive problems, uterine discomfort, and calms nerves.
  • Basil: has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties which makes basil a mild pain reliever and can help prevent frequent infections in rabbits. It also helps in maintaining the health of rabbit fur and skin.

Sunday, April 30, 2023


    This treat and forage mix is inspired by Ryleigh a holland lop.  Ryleigh sometimes has odd shaped poops like Megacolon rabbit. So we created a treat with herbs great for the digestive system and flowers as pretty as her. 

Ryleigh's Blossom Bites 
(Listed from least amount used to the most amount used)
Oat flour, Marjoram, Chamomile, Rose Petals, Rose Infused Water, adult timothy pellets. Topped with a thin glaze of equal parts pumpkin and oat, rose petals, and marigold flowers included in the bag as well.

Ryleigh's Delicate Delights
Raspberry Leaf, Plantain Leaf, Marjoram, and Rose Petals

Herbs and Dried Flowers have many great health benefits! Here's the benefits of the herbs and flowers used in the Ryleigh BUNdle

  • Raspberry Leaf: Promotes milk production, good for labor, diarrhea, digestive upsets, infertility, and fever reducer. Safe introductory green for young kits and bunnies.
  • Plantain Leaf: Helps with digestion, soothes urinary tract infections and irritations, is antimicrobial, antispasmodic, helps the healing of cuts, respiratory expectorant, fevers, and is good for gastric inflammations.
  • Marjoram: Coughs, inflammation of the mouth and throat, digestive problems, uterine discomfort, and calms nerves.
  • Rose Petals: Rose petals can aid in preventing infections, and respiratory diseases and can help in calming a rabbit by reducing stress and anxiety.

Saturday, April 29, 2023


(click The Rudy BUNdle to be brought to our etsy listing)

Our Rudy BUNdle is inspired by little Rudy! Sweet and fruity treats and forage but just the right about of sweetness. The herbs used in his forage mix are a play on fruit with dried crumbles of apples and bananas.

oat flour, apples, banana, and timothy pellets

Crumbles of dried apples and bananas, Strawberry Leaf, Raspberry Leaf, and Lemon Balm. The dried apples and bananas come in their own bag, this way you decide how much or how little of extra sweetness is for you bun.

Here are the health benefits of the herbs used in this forage mix:
  • Lemon Balm: Health benefits include anti-bacterial, antiviral, bloating and gas, diarrhea,  and reducing stress.
  • Raspberry Leaf: Promotes milk production, good for labor, diarrhea, digestive upsets, infertility, and fever reducer. Safe introductory green for young kits and bunnies.
  • Strawberry Leaf: The whole plant is antiseptic and cooling. The Leaves are rich in iron and contain vitamin C and other antioxidants.

Toys and Enrichment

  Some of our bun favorite toys, castles, hides, beds and enrichment! Having toys and enrichment is essential for buns. They need toys to he...